Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Camera angles effect pictures in many ways. When you take a picture in a normal way it doesn't give much interest than when you spice it up in a different angle. There are many different angles you can take with a camera, examples are low-shot angles, and high shot angles. This picture on the right is an example of high shot

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Black Death
The Black Death happened in the 1330’s and 1340’s. It began in central Asia, then moved westward to the Black Sea region, and then entered in the Mediterranean Sea. Where the coasts and ports which lay exposed to the infection. In passing the path of the panclemic Dols cities both Muslim and Christian sources, including the history of the fourteenth century Arabic writer Ibn- Al Wardi.

The Black Death almost certainly originated in the Asiatic steppe, where a permanent source of plague infection still exists amoung the wild rodents of the region. The whole of the central Asiatic plateau has been called,” One huge endemic area”.
The pandemic spread to the south and west. The Black Death traveled down to China and India, then moved westward toward Persia, and finally to the Crimea and the Mediterranean world.

Both Latin and Arabic Sources emphasize the fact that the pandemic was initially accompanied in the Far East by violent ecological changes like flooding, famines, and earthquakes. According to the Chinese it is clear that the second quarter of the fourteenth century witnessed an unusual large number of distracting environmental disturbances. These natural disasters may have destroyed rodent houses and food sources and forced rodents (such as rats) beyond their normally, very restricted habitat into contact with domestic rodents and humans settlements carrying the epidemic with them. (Dols, 41-42)

From this Bubonic plague about 20-40% of the population died. One reason why the plague spread rapidly was because of unhygienic conditions. Four major ways a disease spreads are Airborne, Waterborne, through vectors, and direct contact. Also there is Flea borne, where the disease spreads by fleas, such as the plagues spread when the black rats carried fleas to spread more quickly.

Victims who have the Black Death will bleed under the skin, leaving dark blotches. When the plague attacks the blood stream germs flow through the entire body. The death rate in the 14th century from the Black Death was virtually 100%. The plague in the Muslim world: In the fall of 1347, Italian merchants carried the plague into the Muslim world. Alexandria’s
The Black Death
The Black Death happened in the 1330’s and 1340’s. It began in central Asia, then moved westward to the Black Sea region, and then entered in the Mediterranean Sea. Where the coasts and ports which lay exposed to the infection. In passing the path of the panclemic Dols cities both Muslim and Christian sources, including the history of the fourteenth century Arabic writer Ibn- Al Wardi.

The Black Death almost certainly originated in the Asiatic steppe, where a permanent source of plague infection still exists amoung the wild rodents of the region. The whole of the central Asiatic plateau has been called,” One huge endemic area”.
The pandemic spread to the south and west. The Black Death traveled down to China and India, then moved westward toward Persia, and finally to the Crimea and the Mediterranean world.

Both Latin and Arabic Sources emphasize the fact that the pandemic was initially accompanied in the Far East by violent ecological changes like flooding, famines, and earthquakes. According to the Chinese it is clear that the second quarter of the fourteenth century witnessed an unusual large number of distracting environmental disturbances. These natural disasters may have destroyed rodent houses and food sources and forced rodents (such as rats) beyond their normally, very restricted habitat into contact with domestic rodents and humans settlements carrying the epidemic with them. (Dols, 41-42)

From this Bubonic plague about 20-40% of the population died. One reason why the plague spread rapidly was because of unhygienic conditions. Four major ways a disease spreads are Airborne, Waterborne, through vectors, and direct contact. Also there is Flea borne, where the disease spreads by fleas, such as the plagues spread when the black rats carried fleas to spread more quickly.

Victims who have the Black Death will bleed under the skin, leaving dark blotches. When the plague attacks the blood stream germs flow through the entire body. The death rate in the 14th century from the Black Death was virtually 100%. The plague in the Muslim world: In the fall of 1347, Italian merchants carried the plague into the Muslim world. Alexandria’s

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Question #1- Where did the plague begin?

Answer~ In Central Asia

Question #2- What are 4 different ways a disease spreads?

Answer~ Airborne, Waterborne, Through Vectors, Direct Contacts

Question#3- How did the Black Death spread?

Answer~ Through Black rats with fleas

Question#4- When did the Black Death start and end?

Answer~ 1330’s to 1340’s

Question#5- True or False? The disease also spread by bad hygiene?

Answer~ True

at your service

at your service

Monday, October 6, 2008

For my chess piece i did the queen. This scene shows a chess piece riding down the background which represents a pipeline. I find this drawing very moving showing the chess piece facing downward. I did this cause it shows movement, first by looking at the chess piece than following your way down the "pipes" until you reach the bottom. What i should have fixed was adding more darker lines to give more texture and where the shading was.

I tryed to avoid halos around the edges and the chess piece, and also contrasting from light to dark. Shading was difficult for the background since i had to make up the bright parts and where it will be shaded, and trying to keep the background looking like pipes. It is true that i should have made someplaces darker, but from afar its easy to tell the difference and the chess piece doesn't blend with the pipes.

I also should have balanced the drawing out more, considering that the chess piece is at the side somewhat, so i should have balanced the drawing with darker and more lines on the oppisite side. but instead i made one side heavy, but otherwise than that, i'm satisfied. i also understand that i wrote this critic really late so i hope miss will still accept it^^

Thursday, October 2, 2008

1st Line Model-“the Shade Effect” When I did this line art I made a repeated amount of lines moving downward becoming continuously smaller as they move downward, to give the effect of either distance or shading from black to grey to white. This means the size of line gives it less value, and from afar the thick to thin lines look like they are going from dark to light. The lines I did not keep perfectly straight, I made some slanted, this is to make the effect that the lines are falling down, this also works when I made all the lines horizontal, if I made the lines vertical the effect wouldn’t be the same. The other lines were kept straight so the piece wouldn’t look too busy. There was no rough needed for this piece, because I already had the idea in my head, the idea was risky but turned out fine, this piece someone is an illusion. I was inspired by grey scale; I figured out by using black lines, you could make the effect of gray, by size and distance.

2nd Line Model-“Waterfall” This particular line art didn’t take that much amount of time, but I was still careful with the placement of the lines. This piece was inspired by a waterfall. At first it wasn’t, but then the lines seemed jagged like a waterfall should be. It represents and shows it’s a waterfall, by the lines not only slanted to move downward, but the movement and rhythm of line shows the personality of a waterfall. First smooth the ridged from the small rocks in the way, straight down the crashes. The background I used more lines so it wouldn’t be plain in the background. I also used different size of line, to show the emphasizing power of force in every line moving downward, because when I think of a waterfall I think of power so I showed a lot of movement in this piece.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

at your service

Yep he's cute, and the list

The links to the other bloggers from 2008-09 cyberarts pplz