Friday, February 25, 2011

I chose to use Toy Story 3 as my trailer, because I love Toy Story, and Disney movies are usually innocent and always have a happy ending. I changed the movie by turning it into a action thriller like Bourne Identity. The movie is originally about Andy graduating and going to college and his childhood toys have to go find a new place to be wanted. In my edited version, the main character is Woody, and he has to get through a rigorous life threatening journey, etc etc.. I changed the movie into an action thriller, I used the original trailer and some scenes from the movie, i used the song, White washed by August Burns Red as the background music, and i used Imovie sound effects as well.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011


Hi, my name is Blaire. I love to draw and do art things, so that is why i joined Cyberarts. In my spare time i like to hangout with friends and do pointless non-accomplishing things. I love drawing and do it not only during school time, but all the time. Considering that I am distracted constantly and my pills have no apparent effect, i like to distract myself by drawing. I like to draw a variety of subjects, from artistic works which i pursue in close precise detail (to add to my portfolio) to pointless doodles which have no meaning, and in the end, recycle them, so they can be turned to paper once more, for me to draw on. I like being sarcastic because being serious is boring. I like to socialize with everyone, I can be very awkward at times, but sometimes i am very chill, and not do weird things. I love dogs, i have 2 dogs at home, not like anyone cares, but i chose to write this so my autobiography looks long and thoughtful. I care about school, but i have a habit to procrastinate, to the point of not completing/accomplishing anything. My new years resolution was to actually give a crap and try my best in all my classes, including Cyberarts. I am really looking forward to this year, and hopefully i do not fail badly, because my indian mom will get mad at me. thank you for taking the time  to read this :)