Burtynsky is focusing on this theme to show the people how our idea of landscapes is changing, from lush and dense forest greens, to repetitive and depressing smog of todays technology. He shows through his photos how the industries are affecting our environment in a beautiful way. The documentary showed us cities in China which had workers amoung workers doing repetitive tasks over and over to create products for us (clothing irons), while other areas of the world showed what happens to the products when they are thrown out.
This documentary was amazing in representing the current modern world of today, showing the pros and cons. Made us (the students) rethink our lives, and how lucky we are, because other places are suffering, either having to work in a boring job for years doing the same task over and over, or having to live in a city of garbage, where the smog is so dense you cant see very far in the fog.
Burtynsky had to endure these awful surroundings to take these photos for his gallery. I think that he is an amazing photographer because even the landscapes he visited were horrid and depressing, he made them look beautiful, he must be pretty awesome to make oil spills, and coal mines look beautiful.
Edward Burtynsky Highway #1, Los Angeles, California, USA 2003 © Edward Burtynsky Courtesy Nicholas Metivier Gallery & Hasted Hunt Kraeutler New York
Edward Burtynsky Recycling #2, Chittagong, Bangladesh 2001 © Edward Burtynsky Courtesy Nicholas Metivier Gallery & Hasted Hunt Kraeutler New York |
Edward Burtynsky Oil Fields #22, Cold Lake Production Project, Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada 2001 © Edward Burtynsky Courtesy Nicholas Metivier Gallery & Hasted Hunt Kraeutler New York |
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